DOZENS of residents gave their views on plans for a new £15 million supermarket at Ryeford during a public consultation.

The plans proposed by developer Property Alliance Group to build a 55,000sq ft store on a brownfield site at the Ryeford junction off the Ebley bypass were met with mixed reaction.

Stonehouse mayor Chris Brine disputed the developer's claims that a new supermarket off the Ebley bypass would enable residents to do all of their food shopping close to home.

"Most people who live in Stonehouse wouldn’t be able to walk to the proposed supermarket and definitely wouldn’t be able to walk back home with shopping bags," he said.

"However my biggest concern is still the issue of flooding. The developer has said any excess water will be directed towards the flood plains but if the flood plains fill up then where will the water go?"

A Property Alliance Group spokesman said: "We welcome all views from the community and will review every comment and suggestion made during the consultation period."