‘I tell you the truth’

DO you really know what’s happening?

Consider the pictures of the flooding in Somerset, the views of the Environment Agency and politicians.

What have your thoughts?

Announcements have ranged from ‘Dredging is not the answer’; through ‘we will have a plan in six weeks’; intervention by the Prime Minister; to an immediate announcement to start emergency work and start dredging as soon as conditions allow.

We have government stating that the poorest are the ones better off after the past year.

This doesn’t co-inside with the views of the poorest, or organisations like FoodBank where numbers requiring help multiplied over the same period?

We hear that crimes of rape are going down, then that all the reported cases are not recorded, but only when some internal criteria is met.

No wonder we are confused, when we cannot be told the truth.

How often do politicians from all sides, answer a plain question with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’?

They normally try and hide the true answer with marketing speak or spin.

Jesus said “Instead, let your message be 'Yes' for 'Yes' and 'No' for 'No’. Anything more than that comes from the evil one." Matthew 5:37. We should therefore listen carefully to see if someone is trying to hide the truth.

Jesus however wanted you to know for definite that he is telling the truth as it was recorded that he said “I tell you the truth” 78 times. Therefore you can understand what he means when he said “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

But most important of all Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me.”

This is very important for you to understand because there are so many people who are trying to confuse you with man-made religions or atheist idea.

But when the crunch comes, only the truth will set you free.

Follow Jesus Christ who is the truth and you will be set free for a new life with Father God.