SCHOOL students are working hard on a recipe for success after being given the opportunity to come up with a new flavour for a popular milkshake brand.

As part of this year’s Festival of Manufacturing and Engineering, Year 8 students from Marling, Maidenhill, Thomas Keble, Archway and Rednock schools have been asked to design a new flavour for a FRijj milkshake.

The competition is being run by Stonehouse-based Dairy Crest, which makes the drink. Becky Amor and Andy Crabtree from Dairy Crest are visiting schools to talk about the history of FRijj and give students the opportunity to taste current flavours.

Teams of students need to decide on their target audience and come up with a flavour plus a bottle design.

A team from each school will be selected to give a presentation to a Dragons’ Den style panel at Festomane on November 24. Winners will be invited to Dairy Crest to see FRijj being produced.