Christian Comment with Tracy Spiers of Stroud Christian Fellowship

WE USED to have a pull out larder.

Impressive it was.

It had five shelves which once you opened the door meant you could access it from either side.

The only trouble was I could never reach the top shelf and therefore had no idea what was up there or whether it was out of date.

These accessories are great of course until they go wrong.

It was midnight and I was trying to put something back, pulled the larder door as usual and was attacked by flying tins and packets.

The top shelf broke, fell onto the one immediate below which shattered under its weight and ricocheted on to the next.

You get the picture - screws came loose, supporting panels snapped in half and the entire contents spewed onto me and the kitchen floor.

Thanks to a supportive husband who came to my rescue, I was able to pack up the food into boxes and in doing so throw away what was long out of date.

This was only a minor incident, but it was unexpected and took me by surprise. Thankfully no one was hurt.

But I felt challenged.

What do I do when sometimes things don't go to plan and I am in a situation I don’t want to face?

I know when I pray I am able to handle the situation better.

I also find that it is at these times, work that needed doing long ago, that is on my pride, perfectionism, selfishness, stubbornness etc, gets dealt with and I come away stronger.

By the way although I no longer have a pull out larder, I do have a secure cupboard with shelves that won’t break.