SMART car owner Vanessa Price has won a year-long battle against a traffic warden who imposed a £50 fine.

A ticket was issued after Mrs Price parked at a right angle to the kerb in George Street, Stroud, in October last year while buying sweets for trick-or-treaters.

The warden insisted the vehicle was parked illegally as the front wheels were over the white marking bays, and issued a £50 fine, which would be reduced to £25 if paid within two weeks.

Mrs Price, of Upper Kitesnest, Whiteshill, disputed the ticket and also called the SNJ.

In an article, Mrs Price pointed out that she regularly parked this way – adding that it was one of the vehicle’s key selling points.

Speaking at the time, she said: “I have parked like this in Stroud, London and Bristol and never had any trouble before.

“If you go to the Smart website they show you pictures of their cars parked in this way. “ Her appeal was eventually heard by a parking penalty tribunal last month – which ruled in her favour.

The adjudicator ruled that by parking as she did Mrs Price had not breached any traffic regulation order.

“It was a ridiculous process and there were no winners in the end,” said Mrs Price.

“I didn’t continue with the case because of the money, I continued because I thought it was wrong. In fact, it cost me more than £50.”

The adjudicator ruled that while drivers must park within marked bays in pay-and-display and permit-controlled areas, this was not enforceable in limited waiting spaces on the highway.

Commenting on the outcome, GCC’s parking manager, Jim Daniels, said: “Parking tickets are assessed on an individual basis and no one case sets a precedent for another.

"The safety of road users has to be put first so tickets will always be issued, to any vehicle, when it is felt that they aren’t parked legally or safely.”