This month, health columnist Ruth Holmes discusses the benefits of tulsi tea, the queen of herbs

TULSI tea, known also as holy basil, originated in India thousands of years ago. It is mentioned in the Charaka samhita, which is an ancient Ayuvedic text, and is the most sacred of all herbs found in India. Ayurveda is the Indian system of traditional medicine and has been used across the Indian subcontinent as a medicinal plant, herbal tea and essential oil due to its diverse healing properties.

In India, there will be a tulsi plant growing outside or near every house. this plant is cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes, This is an entirely different plant from the pesto variety of basil, which is ocimum basillicum. there are two varieties of tulsi, the green leaves known as Rama tulsi, and the one with reddish leaves known as Krishna or Shyama tulsi. Tulsi has played a significant role in the history of mankind due to its multitude of benefits that it possesses and uses it offers.

Modern scientific research confirms that Tulsi reduces stress, enhances stamina, relieves inflammation, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers, improves digestion, and contains a rich supply of minerals and anti-oxidants. The extract obtained from the plants is used for disorders such as the common cold, inflammation, malaria and heart disease, and many more. Tulsi tea can be found easily here in health food shops, it is made from the leaves and brewed in the same way as you would prepare a cup of black or green tea. To explain in a little more depth, here are a few examples.

Arthritis is a degenerative chronic disorder caused by slow inflammation and wear and tear of the joints. Studies have shown the benefits of Tulsi, as it contains anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidants properties that help in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with joint disorders. The anti-oxidants help fight free radicals, which are responsible for degeneration of the joint and surrounding tissues.

Considered also to be an Adaptogen, this balances different processes in the body, which will be helpful for adapting to stress, having a normalising effect upon the nervous system and improving the motor-sensory coordination, helping both the mind and body to feel calm.

Keeping blood sugar balanced is an important aspect for efficient energy levels. Tulsi tea drunk regularly will do this as it facilitates metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. This is also a step towards preventing diabetes, while also having a positive effect upon the digestive system, improving metabolism, absorption and assimilation of fats and facilitating healthy liver function.

The Tulsi plant is a good diuretic and detoxifier, which is important for the kidneys. Uric acid is the major component of kidney stones – this is a bi-product of the uric acid metabolic process. Excess uric acid is excreted from the body by the kidneys. This will help in reducing uric acid levels in the body by improving the functioning of kidney cells. The oil from the Tulsi plant helps to break down any stone formation.

The antimicrobial properties of the Tulsi plant to fight the germs and bacteria that found in the oral cavity is also useful in preventing mouth ulcers and halitosis.

Loaded with anti-oxidants and minerals, Tulsi tea is also beneficial for maintaining beautiful and healthy hair and skin – with age, the body’s ability to fight free radicals decreases. As a result, various age related signs on our skin begin to show. These anti-oxidants help fight these radicals and delay the signs of aging.