TRAMPOLINISTS from Roundwood Park School, Harpenden, were thrilled after a strong showing at the national school championships in Sunderland.

The recent competition was a culmination of an outstanding few months for the girls which first saw them claim victory in the regional finals in December.

After a gruelling seven-and-a-half-hour coach journey the team were placed fifth (out of eight) by judges.

PE teacher Pauline Moxham said: "They did really well and I was extremely proud of them. Most of the other teams were from specialist sports colleges so we did well to even be there.

"The children were so committed to this, it was fantastic. One girl cancelled a family skiing trip to make the tournament and another stayed away from a family wedding in South Africa to take part."

Another cause for celebration on the equally gruelling journey home was the outstanding performance of solo jumper, 14-year-old Rosie Keen, who finished fourth out 36 competitors.

Mrs Moxham added: "Trampolining is a very tough sport. One mistake can really hurt you. But all the girls performed to the best of their ability and you can't ask for any more than that."