How to get the best results from taking fat burning supplements for an added boost to getting the healthiest, happiest, fittest you

YOU’VE HEARD of fat burners, the pills that can make fat melt off your body like ice cream from a kid’s cone, right?

Not exactly. Fat burners are supplements.

They’re designed with ingredients that can really give you an extra boost to help burn fat. But they can’t replace a solid diet and exercise plan.

Think of fat burners like a scope on a sniper rifle, only you’re trying to shrink fat cells.

Diet is the gun, the heavy artillery; exercise is the firepower; and fat burners may help you aim a bit better and kill fat more efficiently.

But fat burners don’t work to their best effect when they’re improperly used.

Usually, it’s because people don’t take into account the following five basic concepts for using a fat burner efficiently to lose weight. If you follow, the next fat burner you invest in may help you trim the fat and reveal that body you’ve been working hard to build.

Diet is 80 percent of fat loss.

One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is thinking they can just take a fat-loss support supplement and weight-loss results will be theirs.

They think the fat burner is the miracle solution they’ve been looking for.

But sticking to a calorie restricted diet is 80 percent of your battle. If you can do it and stay consistent with it, then you’ve done 80 percent of the work. The rest is exercise, time, and you can get extra help from supplementation.

Fat burners can help enhance fat loss, but they’re only going to do so if a proper diet is in place.

Fat burners work in a variety of ways.

They can boost energy, help curb appetite, promote fat to be used for energy, and even increase your metabolism and core temperature so you burn more calories throughout the day.

But, if you take a fat burner and then feast on burgers, pizza, and bagels, you won’t be seeing fat loss any time soon.

Take a hard look at your diet and determine if it fits your fat loss goal.

To lose fat and reveal a toned physique you’ll need to be eating slightly fewer calories than your maintenance level, getting lots of protein, and maintaining other clean and healthy eating habits with slow-digesting carbs, healthy fats, and lots of fresh vegetables.

When you feel confident about your diet and in control of your nutrition environment you can start.