This week MP Neil Carmichael discusses Festomane

THIS week Festomane – the Festival of Manufacturing and Engineering – begins and will conclude with an exhibition in the Leisure Centre, Stratford Park, Stroud on Wednesday, February 17.

More details can be found on The exhibition will feature Fran Scott, the famous science and engineering presenter, and there will be a host of special features to highlight how exciting and rewarding the world of manufacturing is.

The week includes projects designed to engage young people into engineering. The popular Frijj Challenge where pupils compete to design, produce and market a new milk based drink returns and is complimented by events such as Engineer Your Future organised by Renishaw.

One business priority we have is to encourage new businesses to establish and existing businesses to grow.

Events will provide advice, networking opportunities and investment links for local businesses. With over of quarter of all jobs in the Valleys and Vale being in engineering, this is critical to securing and developing employment opportunities.

During the Festomane week, our industrial heritage will be celebrated. Buildings, most obviously the mills, canals, well established manufacturing firms – think of Lister Shearing – and well known inventions including the lawnmower all serve to underline the importance of industry in shaping the Stroud Valleys and Vale. This influence continues with emerging technologies and the success of new businesses, most recently through a massive investment by Sartorius Stedim near Stonehouse.

Festomane is supported by professional and public services including Omega and BPE solicitors, both of Stonehouse, IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology), Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Green Spark, Stroud District Council, SGS College and SWMAS (manufacturing and business development experts.) This range of bodies demonstrates the scope and scale of interest in manufacturing.

The supply chain, too, is hugely important to the success of our local economy so it is valuable that such giants as Airbus and Delphi Diesel support Festomane. Thank you to all of these organisations as we prepare for Festomane.