Leonard Stanley Wine Circle: Val and Eric Winder of Stonehouse History Group give a talk on the evacuation of Guernsey

A WELL attended meeting with apologies from Chris Phillips, David and Teresa Price and Horace and Edwina Harris.

The Chairman said how pleased they were to hear that Claire, the daughter of Chris and Denys Phillips was recovering from her ‘First in the World’ Heart’ operation and wished them all well.

Members were reminded that money was now due for the annual outing on July 27, this time a trip on Bath Boats, which will include a meal and Jazz Band – this should be something to look forward to.

Again he requested for someone to take over organizing speakers for 2017, not much work to do as most of the programme had now been completed.

Bob then introduced Val and Eric Winder of Stonehouse History Group who gave a talk on the evacuation of Guernsey of children and their teachers through the eyes of Val’s grandmother, who lived on the island at that time and the difficult lives that everyone led during the occupation by German forces.

Val herself was resplendent in 1940s clothes so that we felt we were actually there.

A brief question and answer session followed, plus a close scrutiny of the many information boards Val and Eric had brought.

We then enjoyed our usual well stocked table of food provided by members and chat over the usual glass of wine.

Our next meeting will be on May 25, when Ann Blagdon will talk and give a demonstration on the art of Belly Dancing, which I know will be well attended.