AFTER months of campaigning, and musings as to what a potential exit from the EU would mean for the residential property market, here we are facing a new future out of Europe.

It’s not the outcome that many expected and the exact ramifications of what this could mean are still emerging as we find ourselves faced with political in-fighting across both sides of the Commons.

Nonetheless, if you had been considering a house move you’ll want to know what the future holds for the value of your home; the overall buoyancy of the market and how Brexit will affect your planned house move.

On a positive note, reality and many many years of experience tells us that the underlying drivers of the property market (namely demand) will not disappear and consequently, the market will recover, as will prices.

Of course, the UK’s decision to leave the EU means that the uncertainty of the last few months will now continue and it’s hard to judge for how long this will be the case.

However, a quick resolution to the political leadership void will help to provide some certainty and our current thinking is that the property market will experience nothing more than a blip.

While this may sound unsettling, it in fact presents a great opportunity for purchasers – especially those taking their first step on the property ladder – as they’ll have the opportunity to buy during the current lull and then reap the benefits as the market recovers.

Even for those further up the ladder, any potential temporary loss to the value of a property is only a paper loss and one that only impacts once it comes to selling and when you consider that you’re likely to be moving up the ladder, the property you purchase will have dropped in value too – quite possibly by more than the one you’re selling!

We’ve been here before, whether it’s been times of conflict, oil crises, catastrophic market wipe outs, astronomical interest rates or times of economic downturn and recession, the good news is that we’ve always come out the other side – often stronger than before!

During all these previous times of uncertainty people have still purchased property, whether as a home for themselves or as a longer term investment.

The UK has a passion for property and home ownership continues to be held in high regard – and that’s before we consider the simple fact that people still require a roof above their heads.

For those of you who are buy-to-let investors, we’d similarly say there is little at this stage to fear either.

The chances are you’ve made the investment you have for its long term appreciation potential and as we’ve already discussed, the market will bounce back – you may even get a bargain to add to your portfolio in the short-term.

A strong supply of tenants isn’t going to disappear either.

We know demand for property outstrips supply and even if all immigration were to stop overnight (which it simply won’t), the UK’s indigenous population alone would continue to grow at a pace that exceeds our current building rate – but that’s a whole separate point of debate!

Simply, if you’ve been considering a house move and now wonder how to proceed in the wake of the Brexit vote, then visit your local Andrews branch on King Street in Stroud where the team, with its heritage in the property market that extends back 70 years, will be able to advise you on achieving a favourable price on your property as well as identifying the best home to move on to.