STROUD District Council leader Steve Lydon keeps you up to date with council matters

Stroud and Cotswold Citizens Advice Bureau

  • ON TUESDAY, September 13, I attended the annual meeting of the newly renamed Stroud and Cotswolds Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). I wish to take this opportunity to formally thank the outgoing chairman Christine Osman and Sally Pickering the chief officer, all the staff and particularly the 140 volunteers who put in countless hours of work and support for local people. It’s worth remembering that CAB is a charity and receives no government funding. It relies on grants, donations and other support from the local community.

Many of the cases the CAB handles locally are harrowing. In the last year, 6,028 households were helped to resolve 5,787 different problems. Financial issues are the most common problem that clients face. Sadly there is an increasing complexity in the field of housing advice, particularly with increasing shortage of affordable housing compounded by cuts in the benefit system.

So well done to CAB and long may you and other similar bodies continue to prosper.

A chance to join the housing committee

  • WE TAKE our commitment to tenant involvement very seriously at the council, so at the last housing committee, members voted unanimously to invite two council tenants to join the committee. The two new members will have the unique opportunity to influence housing policy from within, and potentially make a difference to the lives of more than 7,000 tenants. I’d urge any tenant to consider applying; we’re not looking for people with experience, and you’ll learn a lot about housing and the council. For more information, contact the independent housing consultants HQN on 01904 557191 or Closing date is October 7.