Oakridge WI: Dates for your diaries

THE January meeting was cancelled, due to the subzero temperatures, snowny/icy roads and the fact that the speaker was unable to attend, however, whilst we were all disappointed about the cancellation and missing the opportunity to hear first hand about the work of the local foodbank, donations for the Foodbank may always be left at Ollies Shop in the village.

Subscriptions of £39 are due and our secretary, Anne Brian, has agreed to collect these if you would like to drop them off at her house, or pay in February when the speaker will be from The Stroudwater and Thames Canal Trust.

Competition that evening is a photograph or picture of the Canal.

Dates for your Diaries:

February 9, WI meeting at 7.30pm, Oakridge Village Hall.

Speaker from The Stroudwater Canal.

Saturday, March 11, Coffee Morning, Oakridge Village Hall at 10.30am to Meet the Artists, The very talented Ward Family.

Open meeting everyone welcome, tickets £5 pay on the door.

Includes refreshments by WI members.