TONY Blair’s speech about rising up against Brexit seems to be a bit late in the game as the decision to trigger article 50 has already been voted on in parliament and it has been decided by MPs that the government should go ahead and proceed with the notification to the EU that we are leaving.

There have been personal attacks on Blair for trying to take us into the Euro and his decision for invading Iraq on a false argument that Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction and was only 45 minutes away from using them.

Blair should not be made the scapegoat for these policies alone as without the support of his cabinet and the propaganda churned out by his spin doctors he would not have been able to go ahead with the illegal war.

The senior members of the Labour party should be held responsible for the 1.4 million Iraqi children that were lost, orphaned, injured and killed during the conflict.

It seems that Tony Blair and his ministers of the Labour party can put all that carnage behind them and he can continue to fill his pockets with cash from a region where he has ironically been appointed a peace envoy since he left office.

What a sick joke that must be for the families of the Iraqi people.

I was outraged that he should criticize the current Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as Jeremy is a man of principle and a real man of peace and was one of the few Labour voices to speak out against the war at the time and voted against it.

The worst thing that could happen to the Labour party is if they replace Jeremy Corbyn with a clone of Blair and bring back all the lies, deception and spin from the New Labour movement.

We only find out the real motivation of our senior politicians after they have left office and watch them scramble to acquire wealth and attain a jet setting life style that they would not be capable of without using their political careers to join the rich elite, even if they have to do business with despots and dictators.

I hope we keep our man of principle in charge of the Labour party as long as we can and do not get taken in again by a man with shallow beliefs and principles that can be bought and sold.

Gordon Bennetti
