THE Liberal Democrats are calling for an improved development of the transfer of patients who are being discharged from acute care hospital wards back into the community.

This problem has been labelled 'bed blocking'.

Recent research has indicated that post discharge delays in Gloucestershire are in the region of 30-50 patients per day, for periods up to 4 weeks.

This number of days amounts to a very serious waiting list issue for patients awaiting planned medical care such orthopaedic surgery.

Colleen Rothwell, Lib Dem candidate for Nailsworth, has researched this and has had previous involvement in post-discharge care.

She has proposed that the Discharge Unit is developed further in conjunction with local GPs by forming re-enablement units within communities, with 24 hour care staff.

These can be discreet and resemble ordinary residences.

She said: "Patients who can be discharged but are not yet able to return home because of problems such as lack of confidence or mobility, should be admitted to these smaller units where there will be 24 hour care staff.

"They could also have visits from occupational therapists, physiotherapists as well as the GP, whose objective will be to get the patients to return to their former selves.

"The patients will be close to home and therefore close to friends and family. So visits can be more frequent.

"The fact that the patient is close to home will be a real morale boost.

"Many social care users such as people with learning difficulties are housed in such small discreet units within the community, or supported housing, and these are a model for the re-enablement units.

"Discharge from acute hospitals on the grounds that the patient is medically fit can be speeded up by a considerable interval once it is clear that the patient will be safely accommodated in the proposed re-enablement unit."