I’m proud that Stroud District Council has its own council housing stock – in fact we are the only council in Gloucestershire to own and administer our own council homes.

In an area where affordability and a shortage of homes are major issues, we are able to administer these properties more effectively and of course we are keen to build more – we’re nearing the end of a £19m programme to build 236 council homes over four years and they are a great asset to our district.

It’s therefore crucial that we have good relationships with our tenants and this week SDC’s housing committee will be considering how we engage more effectively.

That’s why the committee is being asked to approve the Neighbourhood Ambassadors scheme, to represent the views of tenants in different geographic locations.

A lot of work has been done in this committee, the Housing Task and Finish Group and a housing working group to propose these roles, which are designed to help work out positive solutions to issues, to ensure communities thrive and are vibrant places to live.

If adopted, these will be key roles, acting as a bridge between our Tenant Services department and tenants.

The committee is also being asked to approve a move which will add to our commitment to address the needs of a growing ageing population. SDC runs 28 sheltered units but the increase in the ageing population could drive a need for 90 per cent more sheltered dwellings over the next 20 years.

That’s why we’re working on an older person’s strategy.

Finally, just a reminder - as pupils go back to school, and students head off to university or college – don’t forget that if you are a single parent of a student leaving home, you are entitled to a single persons’ discount on your council tax.