FIRSTLY a quick reminder that April is a five Saturday month, which means that the regular rhythm of which stall is in, when, is disrupted.

I’m sure you are all used to it by now, but I thought it worth a mention.

Lots of excitement this week!

First and foremost, it is looking very good for asparagus to make its first appearance of the season, which is a real sign of spring! Also, this week sees the return of Hotch Potch Organic, for the beginning of their run right through the year.

As ever, the stall we be mostly vegetable plants for the gardeners amongst us, but they will also have organic tunnel grown vegetables from Alderton Nurseries - usually aubergines, tomatoes and courgettes, although we will have to wait and see.

Spring greens will also be in and there has been wonderful purple sprouting the last couple of weeks too.

Elsewhere, Karobi’s Ghee has moved her monthly attendance to the fourth Saturday of the month, so will be there this week, and she has a new product - Garlic Ghee Melts.

Unfortunately, I have received no further description so I’m afraid you will have to go and have a look.

Our other monthly stalls featuring this Saturday include Smart’s Traditional Gloucester Cheeses, Rebel Fudge Company, Urracca Studio Jewellery, Rustic Puglia virgin cold pressed olive oil (guest stall), College Green Soaps, and Uley Brewery, who introduced a new brew at their last market - Hussar!

A celebration of English hops!