WE will be getting the olde apple juicer out this week for Apple Day, for the first time since 2019, the pandemic putting paid to the idea that pressing juice in situ and handing out cups of the delicious zesty nectar to all and sundry was a good idea.

It is quite an arduous undertaking after setting up the market and if I’m honest, the only reason we didn’t do it last year was down to a touch of what my old man used to call “idleous layaboutus”.

Days Cottage will have their wondrous apple display once again and will be free to talk all things apple to all comers and will be providing us with a couple of crates of apples ready to juice, starting at about 10am.

This week Sibling Distillery Gin will be in for their monthly market and we hope Seb’s Cider will be back too, his van broke down last week and he was unable to attend.

The ever popular In A Spin spinning and knitting stall are in too after a month off and we can look forward to the return of Westlands Nurseries with micro greens and tomatoes too.

Elsewhere it is likely to be the last market of the season for Malvern Salvia so if you are looking to add this amazing plant to your garden, in any of its myriad forms, go and see them.

As ever, there ain’t a better place to come and buy your basics; veg, meat and bread, come on down.