STROUD DISTRICT Council column by Beki Aldam, Chair of SDC Community Services and Licensing Committee. 

Work on the project to install heat pumps at Stratford Park, The Pulse and The Museum in the Park continues apace.

This brilliant work will mean a saving of hundreds of tonnes of carbon a year and brings the council closer to the achieving the ambitious 2030 Carbon Neutral Strategy.

The savings are part of a bigger project to ensure the leisure and cultural facilities across the district are as sustainable as possible, one of the forefront priorities when Stratford Park comes back inhouse in October this year.

Another exciting project happening at the moment is the Stroud District Council Cultural Strategy.

It was fantastic to meet arts organisations and artists from across the district recently, to discuss the strategy and how the council can nurture and support cultural events that reach across the district and are accessible and attractive to all our communities.

We hope the strategy will also enable us to find exciting ways to meet our challenging council plan priorities with the help of creativity and innovation.

This strategy was one of the agenda items at Thursday evening’s (March 14) Community Services and Licensing Committee meeting, where committee members were ipdated on how this will be developed and what it will achieve for the district.

The meeting started at 7pm and a recording will be available afterwards