WEEKLY COLUMN by Stroud MP Siobhan Baillie 

I was very pleased to see the Prime Minister pledge an increase in defence spending last week.

I have mentioned in this paper how people across Stroud continue to bring up investment in our armed forces because they are concerned about events in an increasingly unstable world. 

We have conflict in the Middle East, war in Ukraine and threats to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the South China Sea.

Rishi Sunak said defence spending would rise and be 2.5% of GDP by 2030. It is now at 2.3%.  Spending will increase gradually until then, reaching £87.1bn by 2030. That will be £7bn higher than if spending stayed at the current level.

Defence of the realm is really the first function of any government. We have nothing unless we can protect ourselves and the values we hold dear. Effective armed forces deter those who wish us harm as does our membership of NATO.

The PM mentioned an "axis of authoritarian states” and these are Russia, Iran, North Korea and China. We need to send a clear message to them that we are prepared to defend ourselves and those values of democracy. We know from history appeasement does not work.

Rishi Sunak also said the extra money would put our defence industries on a “war footing”. We have been sending armed and ammunition to Ukraine now for several years and these socks need replenishing. The extra money will help do that.

The extra spending is good for the country’s defence industry, research and development and our industrial base.

We have defence companies in Stroud district and I mentioned some of them in parliament last week.

Businesses like Steller Systems, Retro Track & Air and Impcross.

They received a shout out as I asked the defence secretary to ensure smaller firms like these will get a fair share of any new contracts.

With the world in the state it is in, we simply cannot be complacent so defence spending is even more necessary.

On a personal level, I would like to see more defence spending as a percentage of GDP than announced but I do understand the economic situation and welcome any increase as a marker for those who wish us harm that we are ready and able to defend ourselves and others.