Gloucestershire police Authority is the body responsible for ensuring the maintenance of an efficient and effective police service in the county.

Comprising of 17 local people – nine councillors and eight independent members – the authority is separate from Gloucestershire Constabulary, whose Chief Constable is in control of day-to-day policing.

Police Authority Chairman, Councillor Rob Garnham, who is also Chairman of the national Association of Police Authorities, said: “I am keen to ensure that our communities are aware of the important role we have to play in shaping policing in the county. At this time I want to report back on how we in Gloucestershire are responding to the tragic events that happened in Leicestershire regarding the death of Fiona Pilkington and her daughter, Francecca.

“As a Police Authority we obviously work very closely with the Constabulary, however we have a distinct identity and purpose.

“We scrutinise in great detail the work carried out by the force at every level, one recent example being our work to ensure appropriate action is being taken to deal with anti social behaviour and crimes committed against vulnerable victims.

“The tragic circumstances of the Fiona Pilkington case in Leicestershire brought this issue to the fore and we wanted to make sure that, as far as possible, everything was being done that could be done to ensure the situation was not repeated here.

“Therefore, as Chairman of the Gloucestershire Police Authority, I specifically asked for the Deputy Chief Constable to report back to the Police Authority on what steps the Constabulary has taken so far to try and prevent such a tragedy occurring in our county.

“In a personal briefing to myself the Deputy Chief Constable has outlined a whole range of measures that have been taken and these include:- Close contact with the Chief Constable of Leicestershire to learn about the Pilkington case.

Examination of the force’s Anti Social Behaviour policies across each division to ensure close monitoring of repeat victims.

The appointment, through the Gloucestershire Safer and Stronger Communities Partnership (GSSCP) of a county co-ordinator for Anti Social Behaviour.

“In addition I know, through the Police Authority’s regular Performance Scrutiny meetings, that the Constabulary is on track to achieve the 3-year Anti Social Behaviour target within the Local Area Agreement*.

“Through our review with the Constabulary we have satisfied ourselves that the practices and procedures in place here should mean that the potential for such a tragic situation has been mitigated as far as possible here Gloucestershire.”

The authority is satisfied that the Constabulary has specific safeguards in place to monitor hate crime and ensure that incidents are recognised early on to prevent repeat victimisation.

The Constabulary is also working closely with partner agencies, including Gloucestershire County Council’s education and social services departments, as well as housing services and local politicians, to ensure anti social behaviour is tackled appropriately.

Councillor Garnham said: “This is but one example of how we ensure the Constabulary is taking steps to tackle issues of concern within our communities.

“It is worth noting that the remit of the Authority is very wide. In this regard, some members have also recently gone out on patrol in Cheltenham to view for ourselves the work being done there to combat criminal damage in Pittville Park. We then accompanied officers on patrol within the town centre to view the local licensing strategy being delivered by the force and the extent of alcohol related disorder being tackled.

“We take our scrutiny role very seriously and if we were ever dissatisfied with the work being done, we would ask the Constabulary for an explanation and where necessary request that more is done.

“On behalf of the people of Gloucestershire the Police Authority is there for them ensuring that the Constabulary is addressing the issues of concern and delivering a policing service that meets the needs of all our citizens.”