THE last few weeks have seen extremely cold and snowy conditions.

The incredibly low temperatures coupled with occasional snowfalls caused problems for many, including exacerbating already challenging home heating problems and, of course, getting about by foot, car or public transport.

Exceptional weather conditions have made it difficult to cope with the snow clearance and gritting requirements.

Our councils have struggled manfully to respond to every demand but, in mitigation, the suddenness and severity of the drops in temperature made their task all the more demanding.

Lessons have been learnt in terms of forward planning and resource allocation.

Some aspects of the cold spell have been inspiring and joyful.

Recently, our family car became stuck in Amberley following a Christmas party so my wife, Laurence, and I, together with some friends, elected to walk from Amberley to Park End, Paganhill.

It was a beautiful evening and, as we crossed Rodborough Common in the moonlight, Stroud looked idyllic as we marched on to the sound of crunching snow under foot on an otherwise silent night.

Our children have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities for sledging, building snowmen and indulging in snowball fights.

Even our cat, Minouche, seemed to enjoy popping out for a few minutes to assess the situation.

Times like these are also heart warming.

It is striking to observe the friendship and companionship that is manifested as people meet each other in the course of coping with everyday life in such circumstances.

A characteristic of our society is that when people are seen to face sudden adversity, help is often at hand.

Consideration for others is a key part of being a fulfilled person.

It often takes a crisis to draw attention to this fact but, as we all really know, even when the sun is shining, humanity exhibits a sense of caring for each other that can make a massive difference.

I wish a happy New Year to all readers.

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