STROUD High School provides an 'outstanding' quality of education, according to Ofsted.

Several inspectors observed 28 lessons, 28 teachers and a wide range of activities which took place as part of a curriculum enrichment day in December.

They also met with staff, members of the governing body and groups of students and observed the school’s general work including its policies, self-evaluation and minutes of the governing body.

Inspectors also looked at questionnaires completed by staff, parents and students.

Headteacher Tim Withers said: "I am of course absolutely delighted with the result of the inspection.

"This is a significant step forward from 2007 when we were judged to be good with outstanding features and everyone in the school community has worked very hard to make it – most of all our students."

SHS is a specialist science college and, since the last inspection, has gained a second specialism in modern foreign languages.

Inspector Daniel Burton wrote that the school provides an 'outstanding' quality of education where 'outstanding' academic achievement is matched by 'exceptional' personal development.

Addressing pupils, he writes: "You get on extremely well with each other and your willingness to support your friends and other members of the school community ensures that you learn in an environment where everyone feels safe, supported and valued.

"You achieve well because consistently good, and sometimes outstanding teaching is underpinned by an excellent curriculum and exceptional provision for care, guidance and support.

"Staff know you as individuals and make sure that each of you fulfils your potential, whatever your individual needs and interests."

Mr Burton also drew attention to improvements needed in the sixth form.

"Your headteacher and his team know that the sixth form, although good, is not yet as effective as the rest of the school," he wrote.

They asked that procedures for monitoring the quality of provision across the sixth form is improved and poor attendance needs addressing.