THE Conference recess is over.

Most political parties have held their conferences during the last four weeks and, for those needing to attend all the conferences, this should be a source of relief.

For about three days and nights, there are endless opportunities for meetings, events and receptions, and, for Members of Parliament, the added attention of pressure groups and interest groups.

I spoke at three fringe events and, on each occasion, on some aspect of education policy.

These were early years and opportunities for young people, accountability and governance, and, deprivation and variance in standards. I also met with ministers and agencies to promote issues and discuss concerns expressed by constituents.

Such exchanges included subjects as diverse as access to sports facilities, social housing, construction industries, broadband, vulnerable children and aspects of infrastructure policy.

Looking through my notes and papers, there is plenty to follow up and this will be done this week.

After the conference, I had a range of meetings and visits in the constituency.

The first big one, was at Slimbridge World Wildfowl Trust where I discussed Robert Scott's Antarctic Expedition centenary in connection with my Antarctic Bill - his son, Sir Peter Scott, established the WWT at Slimbridge and Falklands Conservation, water management issues and protection of species.

I visited the Apollo cinema in Stroud, a popular and important venue for people of all ages from all parts of the district.

Like all venues of this type, there are issues around access, parking and links with other recreational destinations.

Employment - particularly young people, skills in labour market and links between education and business featured regularly in my programme.

One meeting with the Department of Work and Pensions was followed swiftly by a group of constituents on the same subject and all of this strengthens my case for promoting engineering and manufacturing.

If you are interested in the issues raised above, please contact me on 01453 751572 or visit my website - Now, you can also follow me on twitter @neil_mp.