NAILSWORTH & District Flower Arrangement Society held their Annual General Meeting followed by a Flower Demonstration on Tuesday, March 5.

Jo Heffernan our president kindly chaired the meeting as unfortunately Jo Mason was ill.

A presentation was made to Janet Deane on her retirement from the committee for all her hard work for the club over a number of years.

Requests were made for new members to join the committee to ensure the continuing viability of the club.

The Mary Barnard Cup was presented to Rose Grant overall winner of competitions throughout the year.

It was announced that regrettably Annual subscriptions would need to be increased to £30 (still a bargain at less than £3.50 per evening), renewals are due at our April meeting.

Brigette Manton an area demonstrator, then took to the stage to wow us with stories of her visit to Kenya which she depicted in some wonderful arrangements entitled 'An African Experience'.

On Friday, April 11, we are holding an Open Day entitled 'Forty Floral Years' at Wycliffe College Stonehouse when our morning speaker will be Mary Keen a Garden Designer, Lecturer and Writer and in the afternoon we have demonstrations by David Thomson a National Demonstrator.

Tickets are on sale at £30 (to include coffee/tea and a two course lunch), doors open 9.30am.

Enquiries to Linda 01453 758496/Eileen 01453 835752.

Our next meeting is on April 2 at 7-30pm, in Nailsworth Town Hall.

Visitors are always welcome.