WE had another very well attended meeting in March.

Karen gave out several notices including the visit to Hobhouse bakery on May 29, the W.I. walk on May 17, which we are hosting and that there will be no Lunch Club in May.

Pat explained how our subscriptions are proportionally shared between National, County and our own W.I.

Five members had enjoyed a weekend at Denman College and Pauline and Carol both have photographs selected for the 2015 W.I. calendar.

It is hoped that photography classes can be arranged for August,

We welcomed back Jane Bailey who is a Gloucestershire author and whose books are set in the Gloucestershire countryside.

She gave a brief outline of the story in her book ‘Tommy Glover’s Sketch of Heaven’ about a child in World War II and read some excerpts. Jane explained how vitally important thorough research is through various means especially old newspapers and photographs particularly with this subject.

Her latest book is focussed on life after the war.

The dust jackets of Jane’s books are done by a separate design team and, annoyingly, often bear no resemblance to the book content and little input, if any, is encouraged from the author.

Her latest book ‘Eats, Cheats and Leaves’ is written all in rhyme and reflects a difficult time in her own life.

Jane read it to us and was applauded when she finished.

She was thanked by Glenys.