ONCE again we used the new format of our meetings and invited the speaker to give his talk before we tackled the business of the evening.

The subject of the talk was ‘British Customs’ and Kevin Manwaring took us on a journey around Britain and compared and likened the various customs in the different areas he visited.

He started by reading the poem ‘Cotswold Love’ by John Drinkwater and this was enjoyed by all.

He continued by saying that his 40th birthday was a wake up call for him to set off and see and record the many different and varied customs which are still followed in modern times and others which have been re-introduced to keep them ‘alive’.

He spoke of the Padstow hobby horse and also the Morris Dancing on May Hill on May Day, as well as the Well Dressing at Bisley and the Mop Fairs and gave their background and how some are being revised; he also recorded how the celebration of St. George’s day is becoming more noted.

He has written several books of his many trips on his motor bike to all corners of Britain – of course not the least the story of the Cheese Rolling, Sack racing and barrel rolling which we all have heard of.

So far the Health and Safety have left these two alone for the time being.

Kevin was thanked by the President and we then broke for refreshments and to draw the raffle.

Once we had enjoyed the break we reconvened to deal with the business of the meeting.

Mary Nash and company were all thanked for their work in compiling the entry for the recent Group Meeting.

Everyone was very impressed with their work and thanked them for their time.

Maureen was thanked for opening her home for the screening of the film Philomena.

The Lent Lunch in March raised £121.20 which has been sent to The Willow Trust.

Members were asked to sign to indicate their help at the Plant Sale to be held on Saturday, May 10.

Maureen asked for a deposit of £5 to be paid at the next meeting for the outing.

There will be a walk on April 29 and it was suggested that walkers should donate £1 each in the ACWW ‘Walk the World’ campaign.

It was suggested that we contribute any foreign currency we have laying around, and this could be donated to ACWW to help the women of the world.

We then discussed the resolution regarding organ donation, to be put at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation and it was put to the vote.

It was unanimously agreed that we should support the Resolution.

Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month (unless otherwise noted) in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Visitors are always welcome but, if you would just like to know more about us, please telephone the President on 822435 or Secretary on 822299.

We would like to welcome you.