THE evening of October 13 was a very wet one, but this didn’t stop a good number of the Leonard Stanley W.I. from assembling in the Village Hall for their monthly meeting.

This time we reverted to the format of business first, followed by our speaker, then refreshments.

So after clearing the business in the usual efficient way we were reminded of the Christmas boxes and members were thanked for their contributions of goodies and boxes, and that at our November meeting there will be a Bring & Buy which will raise funds to help with the postage of the boxes.

Maureen gave details of the outing she has arranged to Ross Labels on Wednesday, November 12.

We will leave the Village Hall at 10.30am and leave to come home at 2.30pm.

The cost will be £9 inclusive.

We were then informed about the ‘Centenary Baton’ relay which will take place on March 22.

This will take the place of the Group Meeting and to celebrate 100 years of the Women’s Institute.

Members were asked to consider how we can show our support to the County’s contribution to the National W.I. effort.

The October Pub Lunch will be at The Anchor at Epney on Tuesday, October 21.

Meet at the Village Hall at the usual time.

The November 10 meeting will be our AGM and members were asked to consider whether they would wish to be elected to the Committee.

This will be followed by a video on Mary Nash’s visit to Russia.

We were then entertained by Sue Edwardss who had brought with her several ‘members of her family’ – that is - her auto harps all known by name.

Sue gave us a history of these melodic instruments before playing some well-known tunes.

It was a somewhat soothing evening considering the rain falling outside.

Sue offered to let some of the audience play these instruments, but there was only one who took up the offer – and it was most enjoyable.

We then enjoyed our refreshment break and social time, before leaving for home – again in the rain.

Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month (unless otherwise noted) in the village hall at 7.30pm.

Visitors are always welcome but, if you would just like to know more about us, please telephone the President on 822435 or Secretary on 822299.

We would like to welcome you.