OUR November Meeting was entertained by two Speakers from the Charity Emmaus.

It was their first time to speak before the WI but they were both confident and outgoing, which lead to a very interesting meeting.

Emmaus is different to other homeless charities, offering a home, not just a bed for the night.

Being homeless is about more than just losing the roof over your head.

Those who have experienced homelessness often also lose their confidence, leading them to feel lonely and worthless.

This is where Emmaus can help, offering a home for as long as someone needs it, as well as meaningful work in their social enterprises.

Everyone who lives in an Emmaus community is expected to contribute to its upkeep, doing their bit to help run the business and keep the community going.

This has a huge impact on restoring companions' self esteem, proving that their actions can make a big difference to their own life, and the life of others.

People can stay as long as they need to, as long as they agree to follow a few simple rules:- work 40 hours per week, or as many hours as they are able to in the charity's social enterprises.

Agree they will not bring alcohol or illegal drugs onto the site, sign off all benefits, with the exception of housing benefit.

Agree to behave respectfully towards one another.

The meeting ended with countless questions and answers.

If any other WI is short of a speaker, Randwick recommends Emmaus.