NAILSWORTH & District Flower Arrangement Society met as usual on the first Wednesday of May when a large audience enjoyed the beautiful arrangements demonstrated by Pamela Lewis a popular National demonstrator from Devises.

Pamela's theme for her arrangements was a "Summer's Bounty".

The stage was a-wash with a myriad of colours from foliage and flowers, some were arranged in a picnic basket, others appeared almost suspended in mid air, a third arrangement was "all in the pink".

For her finale Pamela chose oranges and yellows for three stunning arrangements expertly complimenting each other and filling the stage, drawing gasps of admiration from the audience.

A truly memorable evening.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 3, at 7.30pm in Nailsworth Town Hall when Alwyn Page (Area) will be demonstrating "Simple Pleasures" Visitors and new members are always welcome.