Eastcombe WI

KAREN welcomed everyone especially one new member.

The next round of the Quiz will be at Coaley on June 19 and there will be visit to Shipton Flour Mill on June 20.

The Summer Group Meeting is at Bisley on July 6.

Members were reminded to bring a small item for valuation to the June meeting which is on antiques.

Bev reported that to date £339 had been donated for the defibrillator.

At the Eastcombe Open Gardens on May Bank Holiday weekend £1,300 had been raised on teas towards the magnificent total of £4,400.

Dates of future events were displayed on the board.

Jo Garrett gave a resume of the resolutions to be put to the AGM in London on June 7 which is – ‘This meeting calls on HM Government to remove the distinction between nursing care and personal care in the assessment of needs of individuals in order to advance health and well-being.’

Two amendments have been recommended.

There was much discussion and it was agreed that, in voting on amendments ie. ‘nursing’ to be changed to ‘health’ and ‘personal’ to social’, the delegate should use her discretion in both instances.

Jon Mason, who is one of the three directors at Highfield Garden Centre, gave a talk on making up hanging baskets and containers.

He made up three baskets using different ideas and plants.

He impressed on us that the quality of the compost was crucial and recommended a compost that contained 90 per cent peat and said that all nurseries use a peat based compost.

Nearly all containers have artificial liners nowadays and it is essential to prick the liner to ensure good drainage.

Large pots need crocks in the bottom too and even broken up bits of polystyrene are good.

It is very important to use a large enough container to encourage good root growth and pots and containers need very regular feeding and watering to ensure continuous flowering.

A large variety of plants can be used and a green cordeline with orange violas in a tall pot was very effective as was a new container on the market with three joined ‘flowerpots’ which could be hooked onto a fence.

Jon’s expertise and skill was much appreciated and gave everyone plenty of ideas to take away.

Two lucky winners in the raffle took home took home the baskets that he had made up.

He was thanked by Jenny Colmer.