Leonard Stanley WI

AS USUAL, the committee organized a wonderful Ploughmans Lunch for members in lieu of the normal evening meeting on July 13.

Our thanks to Mary Nash for pulling it all together and making it such a success.

We met up in the village hall at 12 noon to find tables laid out, with flowers etc and attractive plates of Ploughman, complete with salad and rolls, followed by meringues with strawberries and cream – delicious!.

President Ann welcomed everyone and gave out birthday posies to two Margarets and Barbara.

We also had two visitors from Kings Stanley – Liz and Beryl and they were given a warm welcome and hopefully will decide to join our WI.

Leonard Stanley WI did teas in the village hall on Saturday at the Village Fair and raised £183 less expenses, giving a total of £178.60.

This was well attended, and the tables almost groaned with the delicious array of homemade cakes and scones plus the always welcome cup of tea.

For £1 a head, plus an extra cut of tea, this was a bargain.

Particular thanks to Madeline who dealt with the money all afternoon, the helpers and members who contributed the food.

The Village Fair itself had been a great success and the weather could not have been better.

Two of our members, Monica and Dorothy are celebrating the big ‘80’ and kindly invited all WI members to a Birthday Tea in the village hall on August 18 from 2 – 4pm.

There were loads of notices of events and visits, including tea and Croquet etc on the lawn at Kingston House on Wednesday, July 22, the annual outing on August 12 to Westonbirt House and an outing to Birmingham Botanical Gardens on October 14, and a visit to the Secret Garden at Stroud Museum, so we have plenty to look forward to.

Mary had recently attended a Treasurer’s Workshop and had learnt quite a few new things.

She explained that as the WI is a registered charity there are clear rules as to how money from events such as raffles, coffee mornings, village fair should be dealt with and she read out instructions from NFWI on Use of Funds.

It was agreed that in future, this money would go into a separate account and not into the main individual WI account. Members were reminded that if they have any outstanding expenses to let Mary have details no later than end of September.

Also money for 2016 diaries and calendars are due and exact money to be put into an envelope with members details and given to her.

It was then Ann’s turn who gave an amusing insight into her participation as a delegate at the Queen’s Garden Party last month and she looked very attractive in the outfit she wore, complete with fetching hat.

She had dressed sensibly due to the weather and windy conditions but said that lots of ladies wore high heels, very thin outfits and hats that literally blew off.

She had been a little worried that she would not know anyone, but soon met up with another lady called Ann from Frances Lynch and Jenny from Stroud Shambles WI and the three of them had stayed together.

They were dropped off at Hyde Park Gate entrance and made their way through the gardens being lucky to see the Duchess of Cornwall and Princess Alexandra.

With around 4,000 WI members attending, there were the usual long queues for the toilets, also at the services going and coming back.

How we poor women have to suffer!

Ann said she had thoroughly enjoyed the experience and had been delighted to represent Leonard Stanley WI.

Jill and Chris then gave details of their visit with Yvonne and Jean to the County Picnic held at Highnam Court on a glorious sunny day.

On arrival they had walked to the Church and were entertained by an organ recital, a talk on the history of Highnam Court and the church by a member of Highnam WI, followed by everyone singing of course Jerusalem.

After looking around the outstanding decorated church by Thomas Parry, they had walked around the well tended attractive gardens and then enjoyed a well stocked picnic.

Being WI, they did it properly with table and chairs, serviettes etc.

Afterwards they enjoyed a piece of the Centenary cake and sparkling Elderberry Drink, whilst admiring the outfits of other WI members as they mingled on the lawns.

Although looking very smart ourselves, complete with hats, we were pleased we had worn flat shoes as high heels are definitely not suitable for walking on grass.

Our next meeting is on Monday evening at 7.30pm in the village hall, on September 14 when Celia Hargrave will give a talk on Running the Himalayas.

There will also be a sale of home grown produce, including jam, chutney, cakes, vegetables etc.

If anyone would like to come along as a visitor, please do so and you will be made very welcome.