Red Hearth House opens to women, June 6 - 29, 2016

IN MANY parts of the world different cultures honour and recognise the significance of the menstrual cycle, menarche and menopause on women's health, spirituality and sexuality.

The Red Hearth House is a woodland roundhouse sanctuary in Stroud.

It is created by a group of local women who have dreamed the most wonderful space into being.

Listed in the Red Tent directory, the Red Hearth House is part of a global grass roots network of Red Tents popping up all over the world.

The Red Hearth's founder Kesty Jakes says “In the summer I like to sleep in our tree house, and early one morning at full moon, seven years ago, the land called me to create a sacred space for women in our community...Since then each summer the Red Hearth House is open to all women and girls in all stages of their lives”

The Red Hearth House community opens the doors of the roundhouse for the month of June each year as a dedicated women's space for any woman or girl who wishes to visit.

During the month of June women are invited visit the Red Hearth House and experience this peaceful retreat for as little or as much time as you want.

You can spend time in solitude or with friends and family.

You can even stay overnight in the Yurt.

There is a very rich programme of events and workshops on offer exploring different aspects of the feminine

For further info please go to or call Kesty 01453 766519

Donations warmly received for when you visit or attend workshops or ceremonies.