Leonard Stanley Wine Circle: Ann Blagdon gives a talk on the art of Egyptian Spirit dancing (belly dancing)

APOLOGIES were received from Chairman, Bob Britton and in his absence, David Price opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.

The hall was laid out in an unusual fashion ready for our speaker but was moved back to how it is usually laid out in time for supper.

Business was brief and consisted of reminding members of the annual outing to Bath when we will enjoy a river trip, meal and a jazz band on July 27, for which there were still some places and requested people that had not paid to do so as quickly as possible.

Another event to look forward to is the Garden Party at The Grange on June 29, by kind permission of Fiona and David and were told not to forget to bring along fold up chairs, food, wine glasses, wine and the usual plates etc.

David said he hoped the sun would shine on us for both events.

He then introduced Ann Blagdon who gave a well informed and sometimes amusing talk on the art of Egyptian Spirit dancing (belly dancing).

Ann was an excellent speaker and started off with a brief history of her life and how she became interested in Belly Dancing, and then ending up as a teacher.

She has taught for 10 years and her eldest pupil is 89 years!

She described the difference in dancing of the various countries in the Middle East of which some of us had seen whilst on holiday.

Ann was dressed in an eye catching two piece costume, mainly in gold and royal blue, with sparkling jewellery and a long pleated gold skirt and performed several dances for us with veils.

She then wore a gold pleated cape to match her skirt which gave the appearance of butterfly wings.

Her dancing was so graceful, sometimes seductive and all the time mesmerizing that we could hardly tear our eyes away from her as she shimmered and created such beautiful images that took our breath away.

Ann finished her performance by answering questions from the audience and David gave the vote of thanks to much applause.

We then enjoyed a supper and a good chat and now looking forward to the Garden Party when we will all meet up again.