Upton St Leonard's WI with Emmaus

EMMAUS conjures up the walk Jesus had with his disciples and this was the title given to a community way of life set up 50 years ago by a French priest Abbé Pierre in Paris when he saw the poverty amongst the poor freezing on the streets.

Donations of unwanted goods and clothes needed to be distributed and the first 'companion' was George, a suicidal man who was saved when he said: "Abbé Pierre gave me hope, food, lodgings, work and something to live for".

Towards their self esteem and self sufficiency they also did rag picking.

Addie Stevenson (Chief Executive) explained how they work and support each other, some helping in the five local charity shops where they repair and sell household items and furniture.

This charity gives back doing a weekly soup run, distributing food and warm clothing to the homeless in Gloucester, they also help fund trips for children at a local family centre.

Richard, a trustee, was introduced, giving a vivid account of his life saying he came from a stable but very secretive family.

Aged 13 years he was obese, humiliated at school, leading to truancy and secretly drinking.

Marrying twice and having his own business and three homes, he succumbed to the drink and lost it all becoming homeless and eating out of bins.

Somehow he discovered Emmaus, who saved his life and taught him not to be ashamed.

Using his business skills restoring furniture, which he loves, he works in the Nailsworth shop and has a new worthwhile life helped of course by Emmaus.

This was a very moving life story.

Mark, another companion, read a beautiful poem he had written, saying: "It's you are not, it's what you were".

Neil, our last speaker was bipolar, speaking of his difficulties, family life and behaviour.

Last autumn he went to see the Upstagers recent comedy: 'A fete worse than death', in Upton St Leonard's Village Hall, enjoying himself so much he's offered to help backstage in April; maybe later, treading the boards.

Donations, furniture, clothing etc is always welcomed by Emmaus.

A warm round of applause followed our speakers with vote of thanks from Marlene.

President Diane Thomas welcomed all members.

Our lunch on Wednesday, February 22 at The Air Balloon, near Birdlip, was enjoyed by 10 members.

Mosaic and bead embroidery classes in GFWI news plus County Quiz.

GFWI Annual Council meeting Cheltenham Town Hall, Wednesday, March 22, speaker Dr Lucy Worsley.

Friday, April 21, our own Fashion Show, clothes from M&Co.

We meet again on Monday, March 6, 7.30pm, in Upton St Leonard's Village Hall for a talk on 'Ghostly Tales in Gloucestershire', speaker Mr Mike James.

Trade table, colour yellow.

All ladies are very welcome.