Leonard Stanley Wine Circle: With speakers James and Barbara Anne on a Professional Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies

MEMBERS turned out in force to hear our speakers for the evening but before that, the Chairman announced that due to some members feeling the annual format was getting a bit ‘old hat’ , there would be a show of hands on this year’s Christmas dinner, i.e. either doing it ourselves or going to a hotel or pub - with the latter option coming out as the winner.

The committee would now look at suitable venues as well as options for the July outing and hopefully give details out at the next meeting.

We were also pleased to welcome Barbara Hayle as a new member.

David then introduced James and Barbara Anne who appeared resplendent in their colourful attire for a Professional Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies.

They gave a very interesting and detailed account of their roles and responsibilities.

It was interesting to hear the intense amount of training that this involved before being accepted into the Guild.

Barbara thought at the time she would not be able to go through the training but was persuaded by James to enter and complete the course and despite her fears actually attained a higher pass mark than James!

We were amazed at the knowledge required to make a successful event and were entertained by James who injected wonderful humour by giving examples of times and events when they had to quickly adapt to sudden changes in the carefully planned programme they had devised which were anything from weddings to royal and political occasions.

Members were often in fits of laughter hearing these stories and hearing of the many examples of some of the equipment used at functions, particularly the traditional sabres used to deftly remove the cork from champagne bottles – unfortunately none of us had one!

It soon became even more obvious that the skills and knowledge required to be a Toastmaster or Master of Ceremonies was well beyond us all!

At the end of their wonderful talk, members showed their appreciation with an ovation of cheers and applause and then asked numerous questions.

Well done James and Barbara Ann – a great talk.

We then retired to the kitchen and enjoyed the usual superb selection of food presented by members..

Our next meeting is on April 26 at 7.30pm in the village hall when Philip Muridge will talk about ‘Wild Flowers on my Doorstep’. Visitors welcome.