Eastcombe WI with a chat on First Aid

AT LAST we seem able to welcome spring into 2018!

Once the business of the group had been concluded – with promise in the air for warmer weather - there was much activity around the events table.

Members busied themselves signing up for events such:- as a trip to Weston-Super-Mare; Gloucester Docks with a boat ride; walking events; lunches; a visit to Cheltenham Synagogue; croquet and bowls taster sessions; a talk on Local NHS Transformation; and one on Urinetricity green technology!

This month our resourcefulness was put to the test, and one of our members stepped up to the mark to cover the speaker’s slot.

Sarah Turner delivered a well-balanced chat on First Aid.

Many of us had, in our time, practised First Aid of sorts, whether as a parent, teacher, professional, or trained first-aider.

Sarah neatly overviewed for us some of the major changes and innovations, and gave helpful advice (with demonstrations – on her sister!) on how to give help and support in case of an emergency.

If you would enjoy involvement in our activities – please contact Margery Lambert (01453 886697, or email marglambert@btinternet.com) for further information and to arrange to come along to one of our meetings.