Leonard Stanley Wine Circle

MEMBERS were reminded that the money for the July outing is due at the May meeting – this is £31.50 per person.

As Eric will not be at the May meeting, David Price has kindly offered to act as Chairman.

It was pointed out that as yet nobody had indicated that they would act as Vice Chairman, although there was a possible solution and that was if Sue Bischler our Treasurer stood down, her husband Phil would take over as Vice Chairman.

However we would then need a new Treasurer and by the end of the evening Sue Jones offered to take over this position.

Thank you all for enabling the Wine Circle to have its full committee again.

Eric then introduced Chris Evans our speaker for the evening to talk on a Butterfly Garden which is in Bamfurlong Lane, Cheltenham.

What a captivating speaker Chris was – he simply spoke from the heart with no screen, projector or any props.

We didn’t know what to expect as he started off explaining about his childhood and how he came into gardening and subsequently running a nursery.

Then he explained so lucidly with a touch of humour how he gradually turned this into a educational, recreational and therapeutic project for people of all ages and conditions who are welcomed and integrated into a world where they are made welcome, loved and find that they can do something however small and enjoy it.

Chris talked so vividly and emotion I am sure was felt by us all as he described how it started with six autistic children who increased, then the addition of people with mental health problems, then on and on being added, resulting in new buildings being built, kitchen, dining room, toilets etc.

Currently there are about 150 students a week, every week.

They cover gardening, woodwork, cookery, drama and dance, recycling etc.

By word of mouth its just grown and grown.

He never turns anyone away.

Chris’s philosophy is that it is a privilege to live and that life is an adventure.

A wonderful man – why, oh why, are there not more people like Chris Evans, if there were the world would be a much better place.

Our next meeting is on May 30, when Marion Beagley will talk about ‘My mother was a Cockney’.