Christian Comment with Clive Dale, Elder, Ebley Chapel

IN WRITING this, so much has been happening: Parliament has just agreed to trigger Article 50; A white paper was then rushed out with lots of errors: In the States, the new President’s actions have resulted all sorts of chaos; and in Europe, UKIP type parties seem to be gathering followers in France and elsewhere.

Whether you agree with Brexit or not, ever since the vote many people have been saying things that have caused problems over here.

Now we hear that the IMF states that Greece is financially in a bad way.

I have always thought, “How can continually increasing Greece’s debt help them, or the Euro?”

These things have polarised people to one side or the other.

Both side very outspoken, ready to demonstrate, and seem to believe so strongly in their views that they understand that the other side might not have some good points.

To me this demonstrates a blind ‘faith’ in what they believe, and are not open to consider the arguments of their opponents.

‘Faith’ is something that all people need, but very often people put theirs in: causes; people; things; etc., yet denying they have any faith, because that has something to do with, ‘religion’.

You’ve heard the saying ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.

In a ‘Time Management’ course I attended, one section encourages a balanced life.

To get the best out of a person their life should contain a balance of: work; rest; recreation; and spiritual.

Others courses divide it into six or more, segments but there is always a spiritual segment, demonstrating that the course designers realise we are spiritual beings.

The French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Being a spiritual being: ‘Where do you put your faith?’

In something worldly?

In some man-made world religion?

Or a true ‘Faith’ in God?

‘Your Faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God’

1 Corinthians 2:5