MADAM – In response to Simon Pickering’s open letter to me: I have never blamed officers for the failure to have a local plan for the Stroud Valleys and Vale. Instead, I have repeatedly pointed to the failure of supporters in council of the Labour-led administration.

I am aware of officers’ comprehensive and professional advice to councillors on the planning process.

The problem is the Labour-led administration’s failure to take timely and, sometimes, courageous decisions on housing number and preferred development sites.

Just as ministers, not civil servants, are accountable for the actions of government, so councillors are accountable for the performance of the council.

This is all the more important in a politically charged situation such as planning our environment. The need for a local plan is urgent.

Without one, our beautiful landscape and well balanced communities are vulnerable to unscrupulous developers.

It is the responsibility of councillors to consult the public, take into account planning policies and processes but, ultimately, to decide on priorities through producing a plan.

Such a responsibility cannot be ducked.

Neil Carmichael

Stroud MP