MADAM — May I, through your letters page, extend a request to those who cycle the canal paths.

Please will they show some consideration to those of us on foot.

It is frequently the case that the first we walkers hear of a cyclist approaching from behind is the screech of brakes or the rush of wind as he or she pedals speedily past.

This prompts the automatic response of jumping out of the cyclist’s way.

For those whose mobility may be frail, who may be hard of hearing or simply lost in the reverie of the natural beauty around them, this is no less than bullying.

Similarly when the cyclist approaches from the front without reducing speed, it is the walker who is left with little choice but to stand aside.

Living close to the canal, I walk along the towpaths almost every day.

I have never yet observed a cyclist pull over for a walker.

There is no need for acrimonious relations between cyclists and walkers.

While there are roads and cycle paths already available to our cyclists, it is also the case that with our newly renovated towpaths there is room for us both — but only if both can show consideration toward the other.

Paula Ford
