MADAM – A few weeks ago 46 per cent of the Scottish electorate voted to leave our country.

Climate change is an emergent danger to so many in our world and 85 individuals own as much wealth as 3.5 billion others.

Some facts to illustrate the state of our society.

So much is going wrong and yet the politicians in Westminster continue their feuding.

Vote blue, red, yellow or green.

It won’t make a difference, because no matter how good the qualities of the individuals we send to London are, the system smothers them and no real change occurs.

We need more fundamental changes in this country.

The Africans have a concept.

‘Ubuntu’ or circle of friendship is about sharing our common humanity and working for the good of everyone.

We need to unite not divide.

Build and not destroy.

This principle should bring political factions together.

The old party system is broken.

Everyone has a part of the solution.

I just want a more-honest approach.

Andrew Bruce Fisk
