MADAM - UKIP has recently announced that it is seriously targeting 100 Parliamentary seats that it considers winnable at the general election in May.

Stroud is not among that list.

At the same time Labour’s Fabien Society has Stroud down as its fifth winnable Conservative target seat where votes for UKIP could swing the seat in Labour’s direction.

Stroud is indeed a marginal seat with a hung council, although the Conservatives secured slightly more votes than any other party in the recent Euro elections.

It will be a close call for either main party to win.

UKIP claims that it is taking votes from both former Conservative and Labour supporters and is currently on a honeymoon period with two defections in Westminster.

Hopefully by May the electorate realises that UKIP has accepted that it has no chance of winning in Stroud and its ‘soft’ support returns back to normal party lines so not to distort the result in next year’s general election.

Tom Newman
