ON the plans for 90 homes on Grange Fields in Stroud.

Posted by Phyllus Jones: Another beautiful area in the Stroud area that will soon be filled with houses. I truly believe that developers drive around looking for the most beautiful picturesque areas and then put together a building plan for the most desirable of those areas.

Since the beauty of the Stroud area is what attracts the tourists and since tourism is the no 1 industry in present-day UK, why doesn’t the UK Government use some commonsense and designate all present unbuilt-on land in the Stroud area a national asset to be preserved.

Cashes Green was a stunningly beautiful area in the 1950s before massive housing was built. Look at it now.

One or two fields separating it from Randwick, and how the developers would love to get their hands on those fields. Let’s face it. The Stroud area is now on the edge of urban sprawl and at a tipping point. We all have to fight hard to preserve its beauty.

Posted by UAGFD_2014: Well let’s hope it doesn’t get built on, certainly if no-one raises any objections it will. Don’t be apathetic, if you don’t agree, join the stand against this insidious development on our AONB.

On Karen Eberhardt-Shelton’s column entitled ‘The machine era is slowly crippling us’.

Posted by Salendine: Some of those points certainly ring true for me but I can’t help feeling you are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. My car uses far less fuel because of its advanced ‘techno-brain’ and aerodynamics. I can work from home because I can connect to work via the net, thereby spending more time with my family and not burning fossil fuel. I don’t have to leave the house to go shopping (again, less fuel and more time for leisure). The MRI scanner helped identify, and as result deal with, a serious medical issue that could have left me dependent on others.