MADAM – Common sense has at last prevailed and after an age of senseless bickering, expense and obstruction the government has given the green light for the construction of the Javelin waste incinerator.

The Don Quixotes out there, tilting at windmills, have lost the battle and while no-one pretends the edifice will be a pretty site nor can the same be said for a steaming, putrid land fill site which will contaminate its location for evermore.

When the incinerator is up and working the 90 per cent of household rubbish it will consume will provide electricity and heat in such prodigious amounts to make windmills a laughing stock, in addition is should eventually liberate the householder from the unpleasant and tedious task of separating rubbish into numerous bins.

I just hope the small band of protesters will not be allowed to delay the building any longer.

With our future household fuel supplies in the hands of foreign suppliers and the all present risks that this entails the Javelin incinerator go some way to give the public a sense of security.

B Coates
