MADAM – Helen Saunders (December 18, letters) lashed out at Bernard Jarman with the usual ‘racial’ accusations about Rudolf Steiner.

Hitler clearly knew something she doesn’t, because he immediately closed down all Steiner Schools in Germany.

A recent survey showed that teenagers in German Steiner (Waldorf) Schools are by far the least xenophobic and the most tolerant. Finally, read Steiner: “In our own epoch the concept of race will gradually disappear along with all the differences that are relics of earlier times. Nothing will bring humanity more into decay, than if the ideals of races, nations and blood were to continue”.

Rudolf Steiner stood for the universality of humankind and for the equality of all human beings as spiritual beings on planet Earth, each possessed of an “I” – not as a religion, a creed or a belief , but as an actual experience we can all share and deepen, everyday.

An experience which can increasingly unite us amidst all our obvious, and essential, differences.

Graham Kennish (Steiner science teacher)
