MADAM - Your correspondent Roshi Saul (SNJ letters, December 31, 2014) in common with many of the liberal elite believe the EU is the God given gift that we should all be proud to be part of even if it means giving up the freedoms that he naively believed we fought two world wars to endure.

I should have thought it was obvious that preserving our right to govern ourselves and the safeguarding of our hard won freedoms and democracy would be high priority of any soldier heading off to war.

Sadly the EU have removed our right to govern ourselves and demolished most of our freedoms.

Mrs Saul is so consumed with anti-Ukip bombast that, like Mr Miliband, she conveniently forgot that 70 odd per cent of our laws are made by faceless people in Brussels. As a democracy we cannot be allowed to decide who enters our country.

We have to endure nonsensical rules from half-witted bureaucrats such as making it illegal to suggest that prunes will aid bowel movement and making it illegal to sell anything by number, no longer can we buy a dozen eggs and the latest that manufacturers of bottled water cannot suggest that water will prevent dehydration. I kid you not.

It just goes on to add to the 150,000 other rules and regulations that we must obey.

No-one in their right mind would fight for this nonsense not even, I suggest, Roshi Saul.

B Coates
