ON the pothole crisis affecting our roads.

Posted by capfield: Friends of mine who formerly lived in Britain’s northern counties have told me of one measure which might be emulated by Stroud residents complaining of potholes in their region.

Groups have formed ‘up there’ of vigilantes prepared to go out at nights with bags of compost to put in the potholes and geranium plants in colour to plant in them.

The result has been that the potholes are now more easily identifiable - and avoidable - and local authorities obviously embarrassed by this ploy to the extent that repair work has rapidly followed. Gardeners of Stroud unite.

On the ruling by the High Court to uphold an inspector’s decision to approve plans for 150 homes on Mankley Field in Leonard Stanley which had originally been refused by SDC.

Posted by Phyllus Jones: Shows that the future growth of housing in the Stroud district won’t be decided locally but rather by Big Brother at Westminster. And with the UK population expected to grow from 60 million to 70 million in the next decade - due in large part to the walk-in immigration policy of the EU - you can be sure that many similar pronouncements will be coming from on-high to overturn local decisions on housing. In another decade or two we won’t recognise Stroud as it becomes a suburb of Gloucester due to urban sprawl.

On Labour leader Ed Miliband’s visit to Stroud to back parliamentary hopeful David Drew.

Posted by frankiewakefield: This is probably the most important election since WW2. Vote Labour you will not have a job within 12 months, they will bankrupt the country and the world knows it.

The Conservatives are borrowing £2 billion a week. We cannot keep on with this, there is only one answer - vote UKIP.