ON the legal challenge by Stroud District Council against the decision by Eric Pickles to approve plans for the £500 million incinerator at Javelin Park.

Posted by JPatStarsmead: It is high time for a serious challenge to Pickles and the cabal of Tories who currently enjoy power far in excess of anything they should rightly have on GCC.

Pickles came to Stroud recently, accompanied by MP Neil Carmichael but funny old thing, he never came anywhere near Javelin Park, so Pickles has no idea (if he even cares) of the beautiful landscape which will be ruined at the stroke of a pen from his excessively dictatorial ministry.

Posted bycSimbo66: How an organisation can enter into such a large contract without all of the permissions is beyond belief. That we had to move away from landfill is understandable but the volume of waste is unknown, the selection of the process to be used is questionable and the effect of increased recycling is ignored.

There seems little point in recycling, when the beast they are building will need to be fed.

On the dead fish found in gardens in Humphreys Close,Stroud which turned to have been killed by an otter. Originally it was thought that either an otter or a mink could have been responsible.

Posted by MrBulgaria: As someone who has been researching mustelid carnivores for nearly 15 years I can safely say that there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the premise that otters eat all the fish whilst mink only eat the heads. This is an inaccurate statement assumption and certainly not a ‘classic mink trait’. I have recorded many incidents that contradict this assumption. There has been plenty of research to prove that humans cannot reliably identify predators from fish remains and anyone who claims they can is naive. If you have valuable fish then cover your pond with a wire mesh at night to deter mammals.