MADAM – Local democracy is now demonstrably dead. Please revive it in General Election year.

A multi-party representative planning committee turned down unanimously the application for the Javelin Park Gloucester incinerator.

A commercial concern appealed to Eric Pickles’ Whitehall department and had the decision overturned.

I invoke my right as a British citizen for you to protect me from this attack on my health and wellbeing.

There are thousands here who face the same threat.

Since I and my neighbours live close to the M5 corridor, which is already under pollution threat, adding to this a vast incinerator at the Gloucester south motorway junction poses a threat to me and my neighbours.

Given the projected overcapacity of incineration in this country by 2020, the project is unnecessary and therefore unjustifiable on health grounds.

I call upon leaders of our government to protect me and fellow citizens in this area.

Please protect us in our hour of need and in General Election year, restore public faith in the democratic process in this country by calling for the incinerator contract to be able to be withdrawn by the county council with a costs-only financial penalty.

Dr Jonathan Whittaker
